School of Mathematics Teaching

Sitting examinations

Examination procedures, timetables and more.

Exam regulations

Exam Hall Regulations, Assessment Regulations, Mark Schemes and Grade Conversions can be found through the link below.

Student Administration Exam Regulations

DRPS allows you to check what diet a particular course has.


Student Administration

Exams are organised by Student Administration. 

Student Administration examinations home

Exam papers

Past papers for many of the exams are held by the Library.

Online exam papers

Diets and timetables

Student Administration examination diets and timetables

December exams

Some courses will have their examinations in December so plan your schedule with this in mind. You can reduce your exam load in May, but there is less revision time in December, so try to balance these out. 


Where your examination takes place in a University exam hall, you may take a scientific calculator into examinations but it must:

  • Not be a graphical or programmable calculator
  • Not be able to store text or formulas
  • Not be able to communicate with any other device.

You are allowed any calculator that satisfies the above requirements, but examples of acceptable calculators are:

  • Casio fx85 (any version)
  • Casio fx83 (any version)
  • Casio fx991 (any version)

Note that the University's Exam Hall Regulations state that calculators are not generally permitted. All School of Mathematics exams are exceptions to this regulation. 


Student Administration has a good resource for many questions you may have about your exam.

Frequently asked questions - examinations

Open book exams

The default arrangements for School of Mathematics exams are that you may bring into the exam: 

  • 3 x A4 sheets (up to 6 sides) containing your personal notes. These can be whatever notes you desire, written or printed on one or both sides of the paper. Magnifying devices to enlarge the contents of the sheets for viewing are not permitted. No further notes, printed matter or books are allowed. [Candidates with a learning profile that mandates the provision of larger format exam papers are allowed a proportionate increase in the number of sheets of paper taken in. For example, if a student is given their exam on A3 paper, then six rather than three sheets of A4 paper are allowed. Please contact if you have a Schedule of Adjustments in place and would like to discuss other possible adjustments to the default notes arrangements.]      
  • A calculator

However, this is the default and may not apply to all courses. Your Course Organizer should provide you with details of the the exact format and structure of the exam in advance. You should check course information if you are unsure what you can bring into the exam for a particular course.