School of Mathematics Teaching


Student Development support and resources for Postgraduate students

The Student Development team are here to help you develop skills for study and lifelong learning. We also can help you consider employability and focussing on ways to ensure that you are equipped to tackle any career that you want. We have a great job as we get to work with you!

Student Development team aim to help you:

  • Develop your academic and transferable skills to make the most of your degree programme and beyond.
  • Reflect on your development to ensure you are continuously making progress on your journey of academic and personal growth.
  • Succeed by using the transferable and reflective skills you have learned to allow to confidently enter the professional world, further study or another path entirely.

Student Development Weekly Drop-ins

Do you need support with how to approach your studies? Unsure how to organise your time or need to chat about how to maximise your learning? Speak to the Student Development team at our weekly drop-ins. We also provide biscuits! So, come along and say hi!

  • 10:00-11:00 Every Tuesday during the semester in the MScHub, JCMB



Student Development support resources for Postgraduate students


Reflect on your development to ensure you are continuously making progress on your journey of academic and personal growth.

MSc Sourcing Your Own Projects

MSc Projects with Industry