School of Mathematics Teaching


Differences between honours and pre-honours and the courses available to you.

Year Coordinator Vanda Inacio De Carvalho
Year Secretary Greta Mazelyte 

Compulsory courses

There are four compulsory 20 credit courses for the single honours Mathematics degrees:

  • Honours Analysis (Semester 1)
  • Honours Differential Equations (Semester 1)
  • Honours Algebra (Semester 2)
  • Honours Complex Variables (Semester 2)

For joint degrees, you may have a choice between one or more of them.

Optional courses

All other Year 3 Mathematics courses are 10 credits and run for a single semester. You can see them all on Path.

We've written a guide to help you use Path to guide your subject choice in your honours years.

Using Path to guide your subject choice in honours years [password protected]

Choosing your Year 4 project in Year 3

You will decide which project you will be doing in Semester 2. 

You can see more information about these projects in the Year 4

Taking extra credits

Taking more than 120 credits in an honours year requires a concession from College. This is only granted for students with an exceptionally strong record, and is rare.

Please see section 44 onwards about applying to do extra credits on the undergraduate degree programme regulations

You can ask your Student Adviser or ACL about this, they will advise the School Curriculum Approval Officer who will make the College application on your behalf. If you are accepted, you will have to choose which of your 120 credits will count towards your degree classification. This has to be done in advance of you taking any exams.


Find out how your courses are assessed 


Information about examinations and the procedures of resits and fees

Honours and pre-honours

Many students are nervous about starting their honours years but are not really sure what will be different.


Honours students are entitled to one assessment attempt for courses at SCQF level 9 to 12 unless special circumstances apply. This means no resits.

Information about resitting examinations in honours

What you can bring into an exam in honours versus pre-honours

Your grades now count towards degree classification

Find out how they affect your degree classification on the course assessment and rules

If you are on MMath

There are additional requirements for those studying on the MMath degree

Failing Year 3

Progression requirements to progress to Year 4