School of Mathematics Teaching

Mathematics Assessment Test

Mathematics Test

In this year’s class we again have students with very diverse backgrounds, which promises to make for a very exciting experience and year!

This, however, also means that you will have a very diverse background in mathematics. The workload during Semester 1 & 2 will be extremely high and if you realise that you are struggling with some basic maths concepts only halfway through the semester, then it will be very difficult – or well-nigh impossible – to catch up on the fly.

To that end, we run a maths revision course and test. Students from a Statistics programme will also have to complete a section related to statistics.

You should all be able to see a course called "Mathematics Revision for Taught Postgraduate Students 2023-24" . The actual content for the course and test are hosted on a moodle/STACK webpage. The link to the latter can be found in the Learn course.

The revision course consists of three main topics: functions, calculus, and linear algebra. Each features a number of pre-recorded videos and exercise questions.

Taking the test is compulsory.

It will take place online on Tuesday 12th September. The test will go LIVE from 11:00 on your Mathematics Revision for Taught Postgraduate Students 2023-24 course.

If you can’t make it at that time, then please contact

The test is purely for you (and us) to see whether you need to brush up on your basic maths skills. Your performance in the test will have no impact on the rest of your studies, i.e., neither for matriculation, course selection, course grades, progression, awards, etc.!

Moreover, we will offer revision tutorials in Week 1 & 2 for those of you who are struggling with some topics. No dates have been confirmed for those yet