This year we have students with very diverse backgrounds on our MSc programmes, which promises to make for a very exciting year group! This also means that you will have diverse backgrounds in mathematics. The workload during the year will be high - so if you realise that you are struggling with some basic maths concepts halfway through the semester, it will be difficult for you to catch up.
We therefore run a diagnostic test during Welcome Week to help identify any gaps in your knowledge, and we have a maths revision course for those who need it.
You should all be able to see a Learn course called "Mathematics Revision for Postgraduate Taught Students 2024-25" . You will find the diagnostic test and revision materials here. The revision course consists of three main topics: functions, calculus, and linear algebra. Each features a number of pre-recorded videos and exercise questions.
Taking the diagnostic test is compulsory
Taking the diagnostic test is compulsory, but we want to stress that it is purely for you (and us) to see whether or not you need to brush up on your basic maths skills, and to help you make the best course choices. Your performance in the test will have no impact on the rest of your studies (eg. it will not impact on your ability to matriculate, or on your course grades, progression etc.) - so please do not feel concerned or anxious about it.
The test will open at 9:00am on Tuesday 10th September and close at 12:00pm on Friday 13th September, and you can take the test at any time that suits you during this period. However, there is also a specific timeslot on Tuesday to give you an opportunity to take the test in a quiet space on campus, if desired (please see the Welcome Week timetable for further information).
Please note the following:
- You will need to do the test on your own device.
- Once you have started, you will have an hour in which to complete the test, and will only be able to do the test once.
- Given that the test closes at 12.00pm on Friday, you will need to start it by 11.00am on Friday at the latest to ensure that you have the full hour in which to complete it.
We will offer revision tutorials in week 1 and 2 for those of you who are struggling with some topics. Dates will be confirmed in due course.