Common topics

Resources for you on various topics including health and wellbeing, visa issues, proof of student status and accommodation issues.


Changing one of your courses

Course changes can be made in the first few weeks of each semester - please check the deadlines. You should consult with your Student Adviser regarding potential course changes.

If you are ill or have to miss classes for another reason outside your control

If you need to miss classes because of a short illness or other unavoidable reason, you should contact the relevant course secretaries to let them know. For a prolonged illness or other disruption to your studies, you should notify your SA, who can advise you on special circumstances procedures. 

Academic issues

If you are having problems with the material in a course you should talk in the first instance to your SA or your Academic Cohort Lead.

Visa issues

If you have visa issues, you should contact the Student Immigration Service. The School is not permitted to give visa advice. 

Student Immigration Service | The University of Edinburgh

Proof of student status or a copy of your academic transcript

Student Administration issues these documents. You can also access them online through MyEd.

Official Documents | The University of Edinburgh

Getting a reference

Process TBC.

For a reference for a rental lease, for example, proof of student status should usually suffice. 

Official Documents | The University of Edinburgh

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

Below is a link attached to information about and on how to obtain a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

University of Edinburgh - HEAR

Accommodation issues

Either Accommodation Services or the Advice Place should be able to help, depending on the nature of the issue. 

Accommodation, Catering and Events at The University of Edinburgh | UOE Accommodation

Edinburgh University Students' Association