Year 2

Choosing your courses in Year 2 and information about assessments.

Year Coordinator Nikolaos Bournaveas
Year Course Administrator Martin Delaney

Second-year exams

Information about examinations and the procedures of resits and fees


Find out about course assessment and rules

Choosing your courses

You can use DRPS or Path to find out information about the courses you can take. DRPS is the University's official listing of courses and Path has a user-friendly interface to search for your optional courses. Some mathematics degrees have different core courses from others, so make sure to choose your relevant degree.

Degrees in the School of Mathematics [Path]

School of Mathematics Degree Programme Tables [DRPS]


 To choose your courses you should:

1. Establish what your compulsory or core courses are.

You can do this by using the University's Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS)

2. Calculate how many optional course credits you have to take.  

You should complete 120 credits per year. Consider how many credits you have available. Please note your semesters should be balanced; we advise taking 60 credits in each semester, which is three 20 credit courses. Please check the "Getting Started" Learn page for the Handbook for more details.

3. Browse your course options on PATH

Log into PATH using your student ID. For year 2 undergraduate students, you should select courses at level 7 or 8 (from limited schools).

Alternatively, you can look on the Degree Programme Table. You can find courses in the ‘Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, S, T, W and Y’ section.

4. Input your selected combination of courses on PATH

Look out for timetable clashes; be aware that the timetable may be revised before the beginning of semester, so there may be changes to the timetable before week 1.

Look out for the PATH colour coding system:

  • Subjects in blue are available for you to choose
  • Subjects in red are unavailable for you to choose
  • Subjects in green are courses that you have selected and that meet your programme requirements
5. Once you have made your selection in PATH, send this selection to your Student Adviser by the deadline given

The Student Support Team will process your enrolment and will be in touch if there are any issues with your course choices.

Sometimes courses in other Schools may be full, so you may want to have a think about back-up choices.

6. If you have not submitted your choices by the deadline, or want to make amendments, come to our course selection sessions in Welcome week

You will be able to let us know what you want to take, or make any changes to your existing choices. Welcome Week is the week commencing Monday 9th September 2024. You will be emailed in advance to let you know when and where the sessions are happening. The deadline for any course changes relating to semester 2 courses is the Friday of week 2 of teaching.

If you have any questions on course choices, you can email


Compulsory Maths Courses

On most Mathematics degree programmes, you must take these courses in Year 2:

Optional Maths Courses 

Facets of Mathematics

Facets of Mathematics (Path course listing)

This course explores the wide range of mathematical applications. The course is based around three key themes from different areas of mathematics, and develops important and useful skills in basic Python, mathematical writing, and document creation using LaTeX.