Skills components

How the skills components are organised and how they are assessed.

Each core maths course in Year 3 includes a skills component. Essential mathematical skills are studied such as:

  • Using computing in mathematics.
  • Reading mathematics.
  • Writing and presenting well in a subject.
  • Thinking and investigating mathematically.  

While we concentrate on a mathematical subject matter, these skills are also applicable to communication and computing skills in any technical area. Employers want to recruit graduates with these sorts of skills. 


Year 3 Honours courses are organised as follows:

  • Three lectures per week on mathematical material.
  • An hour-long workshop per week supporting the lectured material in the usual way.
  • A two hour long "skills workshop" every two weeks.

The corresponding assessment will be:

80% Final examination.
5% Regular hand-in work on lectured material.
15% In-course assessment on the skills component.

Subject matter of skills components

Honours Differential Equations (Semester 1)

Using the computer algebra system Python to perform calculations and generate plots, applying an understanding of differential equations from the course content.

Honours Analysis (Semester 1)

You will perform presentations to improve your skills in communicating mathematics to an audience.

Honours Complex Variables (Semester 2)

Learning to read the technical material carefully and write accurate technical documents with the audience of your peers in mind. The writing will use the technical word processing system LaTeX.

Honours Algebra (Semester 2)

Using Sage as a programming language which also includes powerful mathematical functions