Important questions including who you should contact if you want to participate, and if your marks count towards your final degree. Who do I contact to participate in an exchange? In the first instance, you should mention this to your Academic Cohort Lead and then contact the Exchange Coordinator, Professor Tony Carbery. When must I apply to take part in an exchange? You must apply in the first semester of the year before you plan to be away. This is Year 2 for BSc students, Year 3 for MMath students. Does my attendance need to be taken if I study abroad? Yes. Your Acedemic Cohort Lead should contact you via your University of Edinburgh email to check your situation at the start of the session. Then they will confirm your attendance, if appropriate. What should I study while away? The courses you will study abroad depends on the university where you spend the year. You will agree to a course of study with the School Exchange Coordinator before your departure. However, there are still guidelines which are explained below. First of all, you should take a normal load of courses at the host institution. Document International exchange credit loads (94.22 KB / PDF) Secondly, it is important that you should have a good choice of courses when you return. BSc students away in Year 3 should consider that the fourth year courses in the School of Mathematics depend largely on the third year core, so it is desirable to follow a course of study which includes courses equivalent to or as close as possible to our third year core. These courses are: Honours Algebra Honours Differential Equations Honours Analysis Honours Complex Variables MMath students away in Year 4 should plan Year 4 and Year 5 together, as you would if studying in Edinburgh. A successful year of study abroad in Year 4 will count as 80 credits at Level 10 and 40 credits at Level 11, as a contribution to the total load across years 4 and 5, which is in line with typical practice within the School. Course selection at the host institution should reflect this mix of levels as much as practicable. In either case, you are encouraged, however, to benefit from your exchange by taking courses which are not offered in Edinburgh. Can I make a change to the agreed course of study? This requires School approval. You should discuss this with the Exchange Coordinator. What should I do if there is a timetable conflict with the agreed course of study? This can happen because some universities only finalise the timetable shortly before the start of the academic year. There is no cause for panic: just email the Exchange Coordinator to agree to a new course of study. Will my marks abroad count towards my final degree? Marks obtained while on a (voluntary) study abroad will not count towards your final degree. You must nonetheless pass the year in order to progress to your next year of study. For BSc students your final degree mark will be computed from your fourth-year marks alone; for MMath students, your final degree mark will be computed from your Year 3 and Year 5 marks in the ratio 1:2 respectively. MMath students cannot return from a year abroad in Year 4 and decide to take the BSc degree. If I am on a BSc and go abroad in year 3, can I switch to the MMath when I return? No. If you are on a BSc and go abroad in year 3 then it will not be possible to later transfer to the MMath, as you will not be able to fulfil the MMath Year 3 progression hurdle of 60% average. This article was published on 2025-02-26