
Introduction to the online system including using computer labs, online journals, printing, and other computing services.

Student versions of software

  • Matlab (for OMF and Large scale ODS) is on every PC in the University and is now available free for current students.
  • Xpress: Although there are 500 floating licenses for Xpress (for MMCS) in the most useful public labs, you can get a free "community" license from FICO. This copy has slightly reduced functionality. To get it, download the latest version of Xpress and get a Community license. More details can be found in this summary.
  • Arena: Arena (for SIM and MMCS) is available in the most useful public labs, you can get a free "student" copy.
  • R: Statistics courses tends to make use of R, which is free to download.



Computing labs

If you are an MSc student you have access to all university labs. The same login name and password is used on all computers. Some of the university labs have 24 hour access but you will need your card to enter the building and/or room outside normal hours. 

The School of Mathematics computer lab is JCMB 5205.

Information about computer labs


All students should have already registered and set an EASE password in order to access university websites. This password does not initially give students access to university PCs. You will have been sent an email over the summer explaining how to enable your computer account. If you have not followed this process or did not receive the email, you need to go to the Murray library at King's Buildings or the Main library at George Square and locate the computers that have been specifically set up to allow students to enable their computer account. 


All MSc students get £50.00 of printing on the "cloud" system. This amount is deemed to be adequate for use for your studies and can be used for both mono & colour printing. Current print costs can be viewed here.


MSc students have access to the university's online journals.

Information about the online journals

Access to all journals are available from any university networked computer. Access from outside the university is also possible but some of the journals are restricted. To get around this problem, use the university's VPN service.

University wireless networks 

All students can use the university's wireless networks. Once your laptop has connected to the network, start your preferred browser and you will be redirected to a login page. Enter your usual login name and your wireless password. Note that this is not your EASE password. You need to register a separate password for wireless.

Setting up wireless access

University VPN service 

All students can use the university's VPN service. The VPN software reconfigures your laptop (or home computer's) network information to make it look as if the computer is connected to the university network. This is useful for services that are restricted to university networks. 

Registering for the VPN service

Note that the VPN password is not your EASE password. You need to register a separate password. If you have already registered a wireless password you do not need to register a VPN password as wireless and VPN use the same password. 

Anti-virus software 

Information on the University's recommended anti-virus software


The student portal MyEd is one of the most important websites you will use during your time here at the university. From MyEd you can access your email (SMS), the course information system (WebCT), event bookings and various other services.


Laptop checkup service 

The university runs weekly laptop checkup sessions for students. IT staff from the university will be on hand to help and hopefully solve any laptop problems you may have. You must book in advance for these sessions via the Event Booking section on MyEd.