Where you can go, when to apply, and how to find out more about going on exchange There are excellent opportunities to spend a year abroad during your 3rd or 4th year. Studying abroad offers a range of exciting possibilities to learn subjects using different approaches and methods, and also to experience another part of the world. Slides from Optional study abroad presentation by exchange coordinator for this year are below. The student exchange coordinator for the rest of the academic year 2024-25 is Prof. Tony Carbery. Document Study Abroad Presentation (Oct 2024) (29.91 KB / PDF) Applications to go on exchange in 2025-2026 will open on 30 October, and will close on 13 November. For general information on the exchange programmes such as eligibility, destinations, and application procedure, please consult the Edinburgh Global pages. Edinburgh Global Student Exchanges Home Further information and support for exchange students can be found through EUSA Global. EUSA Global Exchange Coordinator contact page Student exchange information sessions Edinburgh Global hosts information sessions about the global exchange through October/November. All first and second-year students are alerted about them by email. Edinburgh Global pre-application information sessions Destinations The destinations for 2025-26 are listed in the document below. Document Exchange destinations 25-26 (347.02 KB / PDF) This includes all destinations: those available as General Exchanges and those available as Subject-Specific Exchanges. General Exchanges are open to students across the university, and are managed centrally by the Go Abroad team. Subject-Specific Exchanges are open only to students from the relevant subject area, and are managed by the appropriate School. The mathematics subject-specific destinations are: Universität Wien Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin City University of Hong Kong Most of the General Exchange destinations are appropriate for mathematicians, but not all. For example, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Haverford, Georgetown, and Massey are not appropriate. This list is not necessarily exclusive: check carefully that your preferred destination offers an appropriate selection of mathematics courses. This article was published on 2025-02-26