See what mathematicians do and find out about Edinburgh maths alumni Looking at what other people from your subject have gone on to do can be a great way to find inspiration. Keep in mind, however, it hints at only some of the possibilities open to you and is far from an exhaustive list. This PDF summarises what Edinburgh first-degree maths graduates (from 2018/19 to 2020/21) have gone on to do. They were surveyed 15 months after graduation as part of a national survey. The annual What Do Graduates Do? publication provides similar information, aggregating destination information for UK-domiciled graduates from all UK universities. It covers the most recent (2021-22) survey. The first few pages considers graduates of all subjects then there are breakdowns by subject (Mathematics is on page 35). What do Graduates do? Prospects Come along to the annual Maths Careers Showcase to hear from alumni about what happened to them after their degrees. There is a recording from September 2022 here (Week 3). This article was published on 2025-02-26