
The submission, length and layout of reports.


Report submission 

You have to turn in your report through Turnitin on the Learn page for your projects course. The deadline for the report is Friday Week 7 of Semester 2 at 12 noon. 

Group projects: Only the individual who has responsibility for the final submission has to submit an own work declaration [password protected]. There will be a submission box on Learn for you to submit your own work declaration. 

Individual project and Dissertations:  There will be an electronic own work declaration when you submit your project to Turnitin.  

If you have any further questions please contact:

Teaching Programmes Administrator/Course Administrator - Alison Fairgrieve 

Projects Coordinator - David Siska

Length of reports 

It is recommended that project reports should be restricted in length as follows: 

Type of project Page limit
20-point individual project 30
20-point group project 50
40-point group project 70
40-point individual project (Any) 50

Please note the following: 

  • An excellent project worth first-class marks may well be shorter than this. 
  • If your project is likely to be longer than the recommended length, you must discuss the report with your supervisor. 
  • The guidelines refer to projects prepared using the standard LaTeX set-up as described below. 
  • The guidelines exclude the title page, abstract, declaration, contents, references, figures, tables and computer programs.  
  • The guidelines include any appendices. 

Writing reports 

Use of LaTeX is compulsory if you studied it in a previous or concurrent mathematics course. 

You can either copy a sample report from overleaf, or download the project package below. 

Please use the following set-up within LaTeX: 



Project package (.sty file) [password protected] 

The style file has to be in the same folder as your tex file. If you are using overleaf, you need to upload the style file to your overleaf account.