Funding sources

Sources of funding for research projects in the School of Mathematics

Available funding sources

There are a number of possible sources of funding for vacation scholarships. The School of Mathematics will underwrite a minimum of 10 scholarships per year, at £300 per week for six weeks.

Many of the scholarships and bursaries have different conditions so the relevant websites must be consulted for precise details. Although some are awarded externally their submission may either be via the College or require the Head of School’s approval.

List of funding sources

All sources have individual application forms and eligibility requirements. Please consult the individual websites for details. Some of the relevant information has been summarised below.

Before applying to any of these sources, please read about the application process.

School of Mathematics Vacation Scholarships Application Process

School of Mathematics funding - deadline 17th March 2025

In stage 2 of the application process, invited students will submit an application to the School of Mathematics. Funding is available only for projects with supervisors in the School of Mathematics, and students should be on track for obtaining at least a 2:1 (second class upper division) honours degree. Students should not be in their first or final year of study. Students should be based in the School of Maths (ie have an academic cohort lead from the School of Maths), or be on a joint degree with maths (ie Computer Science and Maths, Economics and Maths, Philosophy and Maths or Mathematical Physics).

Funding decisions will be based on academic performance. Priority will be given to students that have not been awarded a scholarship previously, and a maximum of two scholarships per year is available to students who have previously been awarded vacation scholarships.

The value of each scholarship is £300 a week for six weeks. If an invited student applies for funding from the School of Maths, and is successful in obtaining funding from another source paid at a lower rate, then the student should accept the funding from the other source and the School of Maths will pay any additional top-up required to make the total £300 per week for six weeks.

Students should submit the application form by 15th March 2024, and apply for at least one other source of funding listed below. 

School of Mathematics Vacation Funding Application Form

We strongly recommend that every student applies for the College vacation funding below.

College vacation funding  - deadline 31st March 2025

The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) has funding from a number of different sources but you only need to submit one general application to the College and they will match-up your application to the relevant funding source. 

This application will usually ask you for a budget for your project. If you are also applying for School funding, then please ask for the maximum amount and if you are successful in your application, then the School will top up the amount of funding you receive to £300 per week for six weeks. 

College vacation funding information and application form 

The deadline for applications for College vacation funding is 31st March 2025.

EPSRC undergraduate vacation internships

The EPSRC funds vacation internships that are typically 10 weeks long. Applicants should be in the middle years of their degree (i.e. not first or final year) and MUST be in the UK for the duration of their 10-week project since they will be paid as an employee of the university.

For further eligibility criteria and forms required for applying, please see the following site.

EPSRC undergraduate vacation internships information and application forms

Application documents should be sent to the Mathematics contact detailed in the link above by 17th March 2025.

External funding sources

London Mathematical Society

Applicants should be in the middle years of their degree (i.e. not first or final year). Students in the final year of their degree intending to undertake a taught Masters degree immediately following their undergraduate degree may apply. Usual annual deadline February 1st.

Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Students may only take up the award during the summer vacation between the intermediate years (usually between years 3 and 4) of their undergraduate degree. Researchers in Mathematics or Statistics at universities and research institutions within Scotland are eligible to apply. Usual annual deadline March 10th.

The School of Maths can only submit two applications per year for this scheme, so please contact the vacation scholarship organiser before you apply for these scholarships. If you apply for funding from the School of Maths, then you will automatically be considered as a potential applicant for this funding, and the vacation scholarship organiser will email you in early March if you have been selected to apply for this funding.

Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Cormack scholarship is suitable for those interested in Astronomy. A potential supervisor for such projects is Dr M.Ruffert and students should contact him to explore the feasibility of a project. Applicants should be in the middle years of their degree (i.e. not first or final year).

Medical Research Scotland  

Applicants must not have graduated by the time of completing their Vacation Scholarship. Applications must be submitted by the supervisor.

Carnegie Trust

Applicants must be registered at one of select Scottish universities, and should be in the third year of a four-year degree, or the third or fourth year of a five-year degree. Usual annual deadline January 31st.

Royal Scottish Society of Arts

This scholarship is available to an undergraduate in their 3rd year of studies at the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University or Napier University undertaking a project in a pure or applied science. Any project proposal should reflect the Royal Scottish Society of Arts (RSSA) remit of showcasing Scotland’s Science, Technology and Innovation. The application form and further information is given in the link below.

RSSA Travel Scholarship information and application form

The deadline for applications is 29th March 2024 but applications require approval from the Head of School before submission so, if you are planning to apply for this scholarship, make sure you send your application to the vacation scholarship coordinator well ahead of the deadline.