Important dates

Important dates relating to your project including deadlines.

End of March Release of the project list
Mid April Deadline for submitting preferences for projects
End of April Publication of the allocation of students to projects
Last week of May First meeting with your supervisor(s)
2 June Official start of dissertation period
22 August (4pm) Deadline for submitting your dissertation
  • The project gives you the opportunity to apply skills developed earlier in the programme to real operational research problems. Projects often take the form of a consultancy exercise for a sponsoring organisation, although they may also be desk/library based. Projects usually involve modelling the problem and applying existing packages and developing a computer program for a new application of OR.
  • You are strongly encouraged to find an organisation which has a requirement for consultation by an OR analyst. A wide variety of organisations provide project topics and assist with their supervision. If you have interests or contacts in particular industries or government departments you are encouraged to suggest projects yourself. Projects need to be accepted by the Project Coordinator to ensure they are suitable for an MSc.
  • In many cases, the research for the dissertation will involve working with an outside organisation for part of the summer months.