Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances

Information about late submissions, coursework extensions, exceptional circumstances and learning adjustments


At the University of Edinburgh we are committed to supporting you during your studies and want to make sure there’s nothing preventing you from succeeding in your assessments. We know that sometimes things can happen in your life, which are beyond your control, but that you feel may have an adverse impact on your academic performance. Therefore, we have a dedicated Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances service so that you can apply for an extension (for four calendar days, up to three times a year) or exceptional circumstances (when circumstances have meant a significant impact on your performance, or resulted in non-attendance or non-submission for an assessment), when you need to.

You can apply for an extension and/or exceptional circumstances online via the Assessment Support Tool. You will be able to access the system via MyEd as well as via the Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances website. The website also has a dedicated ‘Applying for support’ page that will guide you through all steps of the application process for both, extensions and exceptional circumstances.