
Resit conditions and information on fees

Pre-Honours Level 

If you fail an exam in your pre-honours years (Years 1 and 2), you will be registered for the August resit exam. You must check the location, date and time of the exam yourself.

You should check the following page to see if there is a fee for any resits.

Reassessment Fees

Number of attempts

If you fail a resit exam you should talk to your Academic Cohort Lead or your Student Adviser. There is a limit to the number of times you can sit an exam and they will advise you how many you may be able to sit. Resit attempts cannot be delayed; if you are absent from the exam without declared special circumstances, it will count as an attempt.

Honours Level 

You cannot resit exams.

You have only one opportunity at each exam in honours years (unless you have special circumstances which affect you sitting the exam). This does not mean you have to pass every course; to progress in honours years you must pass at least 80 credits and have an overall year average of 40%.

To find out more information please check the Taught Assessment Regulations