The dates of results and how the University makes progression decisions. HTML Undergraduate results Information about when course results, progression decisions, and degree classifications will be published. Your official course results, progression decisions and degree classifications and awards will be published on your individual MyEd portal. You will be emailed when new results are available. Result Approval body Publication Dates Semester 1 Pre-Honours course results Pre-honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 2 and full-year Pre-Honours course results Pre-honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 1 Honours course results Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 2 and full-year Honours course results Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Pre-Honours progression decisions Pre-honours Progression Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Honours progression decisions Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Degree awards and classifications Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Pre-honours re-assessment course results & progression decisions Pre-honours Resit Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Honours and Ordinary course results/Degree awards & progression decisions Honours Resit Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Should there be any delay to the release of your results, progression decision or final award you will be notified as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns following the release of course results, progression decisions or a degree award, you should speak to your Student Adviser in the first instance. They will be able to talk you through the possible outcomes; offer you advice on your options; and signpost you to other sources of support (eg. your Academic Cohort Lead) if required. Final awards and classifications The School of Mathematics Honours Board of Examiners determines degree classifications for all students on degree programmes owned by the School. For combined degree programmes owned by another School (for example Economics and Mathematics), you should consult that School for their degree classification process. For four-year degrees owned by the School, Years 3 and 4 are weighted in the ratio of 50:50 towards the final Honours classification. For the five-year MMath degree, Years 3, 4 and 5 are weighted in the ratio 20:40:40. Note that in particular, results in pre-Honours years do not contribute towards degree classifications. The classification award is based on the overall percentage mark, as shown in the table below. 1st 70% or above 2.1 60-69.99% 2.2 50-59.99% 3rd 40-49.99% Borderline cases The Board of Examiners considers borderline cases carefully when deciding final awards and classification. A strict definition of a borderline candidate is used, that is, a student whose mark is not more than two percentage points below the mark required for a certain classification. The criteria on which a candidate may be promoted to the higher degree classification in this situation are as follows: An overall profile with at least half the credits awarded at the next higher classification grade, or above. An overall profile with a better performance in higher Level courses (these are courses that are typically taken in years 4 and 5, i.e. Level 11 courses). Boards exercise their discretion in the application of these considerations. Taught assessment regulations - borderline cases (regulation 44) Ordinary degree The BSc Ordinary degree is a qualification that can be obtained at the end of Year 3. If you have not satisfied the conditions to be awarded an Honours degree you may be eligible for an Ordinary degree as specified by the Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulations 2024/25 Academic appeals If you are considering making an appeal, it is important that you act promptly. The appeal process cannot be used to challenge academic judgement, that is, you cannot submit an appeal because you believe that you deserve a better mark. You should seek advice from the EUSA Advice Place, who can support you through the appeals process. More information about appeals - Academic Services This article was published on 2025-02-26
HTML Undergraduate results Information about when course results, progression decisions, and degree classifications will be published. Your official course results, progression decisions and degree classifications and awards will be published on your individual MyEd portal. You will be emailed when new results are available. Result Approval body Publication Dates Semester 1 Pre-Honours course results Pre-honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 2 and full-year Pre-Honours course results Pre-honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 1 Honours course results Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Semester 2 and full-year Honours course results Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Pre-Honours progression decisions Pre-honours Progression Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Honours progression decisions Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Degree awards and classifications Honours Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Pre-honours re-assessment course results & progression decisions Pre-honours Resit Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Honours and Ordinary course results/Degree awards & progression decisions Honours Resit Board of Examiners (tbc for 2024/25) Should there be any delay to the release of your results, progression decision or final award you will be notified as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns following the release of course results, progression decisions or a degree award, you should speak to your Student Adviser in the first instance. They will be able to talk you through the possible outcomes; offer you advice on your options; and signpost you to other sources of support (eg. your Academic Cohort Lead) if required. Final awards and classifications The School of Mathematics Honours Board of Examiners determines degree classifications for all students on degree programmes owned by the School. For combined degree programmes owned by another School (for example Economics and Mathematics), you should consult that School for their degree classification process. For four-year degrees owned by the School, Years 3 and 4 are weighted in the ratio of 50:50 towards the final Honours classification. For the five-year MMath degree, Years 3, 4 and 5 are weighted in the ratio 20:40:40. Note that in particular, results in pre-Honours years do not contribute towards degree classifications. The classification award is based on the overall percentage mark, as shown in the table below. 1st 70% or above 2.1 60-69.99% 2.2 50-59.99% 3rd 40-49.99% Borderline cases The Board of Examiners considers borderline cases carefully when deciding final awards and classification. A strict definition of a borderline candidate is used, that is, a student whose mark is not more than two percentage points below the mark required for a certain classification. The criteria on which a candidate may be promoted to the higher degree classification in this situation are as follows: An overall profile with at least half the credits awarded at the next higher classification grade, or above. An overall profile with a better performance in higher Level courses (these are courses that are typically taken in years 4 and 5, i.e. Level 11 courses). Boards exercise their discretion in the application of these considerations. Taught assessment regulations - borderline cases (regulation 44) Ordinary degree The BSc Ordinary degree is a qualification that can be obtained at the end of Year 3. If you have not satisfied the conditions to be awarded an Honours degree you may be eligible for an Ordinary degree as specified by the Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulations 2024/25 Academic appeals If you are considering making an appeal, it is important that you act promptly. The appeal process cannot be used to challenge academic judgement, that is, you cannot submit an appeal because you believe that you deserve a better mark. You should seek advice from the EUSA Advice Place, who can support you through the appeals process. More information about appeals - Academic Services