MathPALS hold informal, fun study groups for first-year Mathematics students, particularly for the course Introduction to Linear Algebra. You can also become a MathPALS leader later on in your degree.


MathPALS is an informal, friendly environment where you can ask questions about the courses. By participating in MathPALS you can meet other students in your year group as well as higher-year students who have been where you are now.


Any student who is taking one or more of the following first-year maths courses: 'Introduction to Linear Algebra' (Semester 1), 'Calculus and its applications', & 'Proofs and Problem Solving'(Semester 2).

Times and Location

Most MathPALS sessions will be take place in MathsBase in Kings Buildings House in 2024/25. 

There will be several session times to choose from so you should find one that suits your timetable. Session times are published in Week 2 of the semester and the sessions will begin in either Week 3 or 4.


If you are eligible, you should see MathPALS under My Courses in Learn at the start of the semester. Click through and follow the link to choose your group. If you think you are eligible but cannot see MathPALS in Learn, please email and someone will be able to add you: 

Leader Recruitment

MathPALS recruits new student leaders in April for the following academic year. 

MathPALS role description [password protected]

Reasons to become a MathPALS leader

  • Meet and help lower-year students.

  • Receive full training in key skills such as facilitation and group management.
  • Boost your CV.
  • Personal development opportunities.
  • Opportunity to work towards the Edinburgh Award.
  • Improve your confidence, communication, and leadership skills.

Information about the Edinburgh Award


  • Be in Years 2-5 of a Mathematics degree programme.
  • Commit two and a half hours a week during the semester. This will consist of a 50-minute PALs session, preparation, and team meetings.
  • Be friendly and supportive.
  • Be willing to act as a facilitator to support learning (not as a teacher or tutor).

How to apply

1. Please email the team at if you are interested in becoming a leader. 

2.  Attend an information session held by current leaders (tbc) who will chat about their experience as MathPALS leaders.

MathPALS committee

Leaders (usually continuing, but new leaders will also sometimes be considered) can apply for a position on the MathPALS committee. This offers an opportunity to contribute to MathPALS at a more strategic level. The links below are password protected and on SharePoint.

Chairperson role description [password protected]

Records officer role description [password protected]

Academic practices officer role description [password protected]

Publicity and communication officer role description [password protected]

More details

If you would like to get more information about MathPALS or have any questions, please email or message us via one of the following:

Edinburgh MathPALS

Contact details