Welcome Events from 9th to 13th September 2024 Welcome Week (Week 0) Monday 9th September Welcome to the School! You can get to King's Buildings from the central campus using the University's Shuttle Bus Service. All welcome sessions will be held in either the James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB) or the Nucleus Building. You can arrive anytime from 9.30am. Campus maps | The University of Edinburgh 10:00-11:00 Welcome Talk Welcome from the Head of School, Director of Teaching Team and Director of Students Oak Lecture Theatre, Nucleus Document Postgraduate Taught Students Welcome Talk 2024/5 (1.18 MB / PDF) 11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee and Pastries Complimentary tea/coffee and pastries will be available in the Magnet Cafe, situated on the third floor of JCMB. 11:30-13:00 Welcome Sessions (Programme-specific) Introduction to Operational Research Programmes (OR) This is for students on the Operational Research, Operational Research with Computational Optimization, Operational Research with Data Science and Operational Research with Risk programmes. Room 5327, JCMB Introduction to Statistics Programmes (SOR and SwDS) This is for students on the Statistics and Operational Research (SOR) and Statistics with Data Science (SwDS) programmes. Alder Lecture Theatre, Nucleus B.01 Introduction to Finance Programmes (CMF & FMO) This is for students on the Computational Mathematical Finance (CMF) and Financial Modelling and Optimization (FMO) programmes. Room 5326, JCMB Introduction to Computational Applied Mathematics (CAM) This is for students on the Computational Applied Mathematics (CAM) programmes. Room 5328, JCMB 13:00-14:00 Lunch Lunch will be provided in the Magnet Cafe, JCMB. 14:00-17:00 Course Fair Course Organisers will give short presentations on the optional Level 11 courses available to PGT students. The spreadsheet linked below gives approximate start times for each course. Feel free to drop in hear about the courses you are particularly interested in - although to avoid disrupting other students it would be best if you could stay for entire blocks of courses, and make sure that you arrive in plenty of time. The courses are themed according to area; but it may be that there are courses on your Degree Programme Table that don't fall within 'your' area, so you should check this beforehand. List of courses with approximate presentation timings Larch Lecture Theatre, Nucleus 1.15 Tuesday 10th September 9:00-13:00 Small Group Meetings with Academic Cohort Leads (ACLs) Small group meetings to give students a chance to meet with their ACLs. Students will be notified of the time and venue for their meeting. 9:00-13:00 Mathematics Diagnostic/Revision Test Room 5205, JCMB This year, we are welcoming students to our MSc programmes with very diverse backgrounds, which promises to make for a very exciting cohort of students! It also means that you will have a very diverse background in mathematics. We therefore ask all students to take a diagnostic test. Taking the test is compulsory, but we want to stress that the test is purely for you (and us) to see whether or not you need to brush up on your basic maths skills, and to help you make the best course choices. Your performance in the test will have no impact on the rest of your studies (eg. it will not impact on your ability to matriculate or on your course grades, progression etc.) - so please do not feel concerned or anxious about it. The test will open at 9:00am on Tuesday 10th September and close at 12:00pm on Friday 13th September, and you can take the test at any time that suits you during this period. However, this timeslot provides an opportunity for students to take the test in a quiet space on campus, if desired. Please note the following: You will need to do the test on your own device (there will not be devices available for you to use in Room 5205). Once you have started, you will have an hour in which to complete the test, and will only be able to do the test once. Given that the test closes at 12.00pm on Friday, you will need to start it by 11.00am at the latest to ensure that you have the full hour in which to complete it. More details can be found on this page: Mathematics Assessment Test 14:00-17:00 Course Enrolment Sessions (Programme-specific) Another chance to meet your Academic Cohort Lead, and get advice about and enrol on your courses. Finance Programmes Room 5326, JCMB Operational Research Programmes Room 5327, JCMB CAM Programmes Room 5328, JCMB Statistics Programmes Room 5205, JCMB Wednesday 11th September There are no School-specific activities on Wednesday - but this is to give you a chance to enage with some of the many activities that are being organsied centrally by the University that day. Please see the New Students webpage and download the Events App to sign up for centrally organised events. New Students | The University of Edinburgh Other things you might like to do in your own time: If you have not selected the optional courses that you would like to take for your programme, please use this day to familiarise youself with the options available to you - Course Selection and Timetabling | teaching.maths.ed.ac.uk. You could also take a self-guided walking tour of the King's Buildings Campus. Thursday 12th September 10:30-11:30 Careers Service and Edinburgh Innovations Talk Everything you need to know about your Careers Service and the Edinburgh Innovations team. Larch Lecture Theatre, Nucleus 1.15 14:00 Blackford Hill Walk A chance to get some fresh air and a great view of Edinburgh. Please wear comfortable shoes. Moderate fitness is required - but if you have any mobility or other concerns, please do come and speak with us. The meeting point will be outside the entrance of JCMB in the circular plaza. 15:30 Pub Trip Craigmillar Park Golf club, at the bottom of Blackford Hill (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available). 14:00 - 16:00 Course Enrolment Drop-in Session Room 5205, JCMB Another chance to finalise and enrol on your courses if you haven't already done so. Friday 13th September 12:00 Deadline for Mathematics Diagnostic/Revision Test 14:00 - 16:00 Course Enrolment Drop-in Session MSc Hub, 6th Floor, JCMB Another chance to finalise and enrol on your courses if you haven't already done so. Week 1 and Week 2 Course Enrolment Sessions We will be running multiple drop-in sessions for those who have not yet enrolled on their courses, or have queries about their course enrollments, including wanting to make changes. Date: Monday 16th September Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: 5205, 5th floor, JCMB Date: Wednesday 18th September Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: 5205, 5th floor, JCMB Date: Friday 20th September Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: 5205, 5th floor, JCMB Date: Tuesday 24th September Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: MSc Hub, 6th Floor, JCMB Date: Thursday 26th September Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: 5205, 5th floor, JCMB This article was published on 2025-02-26