Choosing your project

Types of projects and finding out which topic you will be doing.


Finding your project allocation

Project allocations [Password protected]

Choosing your projects:

Once supervisors have submitted the project descriptions, you will be able to select 5 projects, ranked in order of your preference. 

After some tweaking (making sure that projects that have been selected by many students run as group projects, and possibly running several instances of them), the selection will be done by a computer algorithm. Most students get one of their first top three choices, but in the past two years, all possible solutions had to assign some students their fifth choice. 

Types of projects 

Mathematics Project

Mathematics Project (20 points)

A group project is  taken by 2-4 students working as a team, a single report is produced, a single presentation is given. 

An individual project  is worked on individually with a limited number of available topics.   

Mathematics Project (double)

Project in Mathematics (Double) (40 points) 

Students on combined degrees normally have to take this, or an equivalent 40-point project in the other School. 

Mathematics and physics students may take the 20 points (individual or group) project as an alternative. 

Mathematical Education 

Mathematical Education (20 credits)

As an alternative to (or as an addition to) projects, students can get enrolled into  Mathematical Education. 

Find out if your degree gives you the option to do this

Mathematics Dissertation

Mathematics Dissertation (40 points) 

This is compulsory for MMath students in their final year and  is not available for MMath students in year 4. 

The  credit level  is  11. A high standard of mathematical presentation and reasoning is required to gain a good grade.