All the information you need to know about each project. If you have any question related to the projects, please use this form to submit it: Questions Please select your SwDS project preferences by ranking them from 1 (most preferred) to 3 (least preferred) in both set of projects. The survey is available at: Project Preferences You need to log-in with your university credentials to access the form, and it will automatically record your name. The deadline for submitting your preferences is noon (12:00) on the 19th of April. Expand all Collapse all Session 1 Modelling of Accident & Emergency Pathways Public Health Scotland Document Modelling of Accident & Emergency Pathways (84.17 KB / PDF) Earthquake forecasting Document Earthquake forecasting (94.25 KB / PDF) Model and feature manipulation to predict specific anomalies Lloyds Banking Group Document Model and feature manipulation to predict specific anomalies (156.2 KB / PDF) Session 2 Understanding the effect of manufacture process variation on polymer properties AkzoNobel Document Understanding the effect of manufacture process variation on polymer properties (183.03 KB / PDF) How does DNA sequence specify gene expression in a timecourse of fungal growth? Document Fungal Growth (109.01 KB / PDF) Financial Ombudsman Service decision analysis: using public data to understand customer complaints Simply Business Document Financial Ombudsman Service decision analysis: using public data to understand customer complaints (98.99 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2025-02-26