
The school of mathematics adjustments to university accessibility guidelines.

Accessible and inclusive learning policy

This University policy is designed to make teaching as far as possible accessible to all. It is part of the process of "mainstreaming" whereby various activities that might previously have been included on many learning profiles have now, where appropriate, been designated as compulsory for all.

IAD - Inclusive Learning - Mainstreaming Learning Adjustments

We believe that our procedures, appropriately interpreted, are in accord with this policy.

Learning adjustments

Students with a disability that affects their learning can obtain a "Learning Profile" from the Disability Service. This will typically contain some "Learning Adjustments" that should be put in place for the student.

Application of learning adjustments is compulsory and all staff in the school of mathematics are required so as to make teaching accessible. The Disability Service has information for staff:

Student Disability Service - Information for Staff


Coordinators of AdjustmentsSchool Student Support Team
Disability contactBruce Worton (Deputy Director of Teaching)
MTOLouise Durie

Although the school of mathematics makes use of the IAD's mainstreamed regulations in the link above, not all are applicable in the mathematics environment. The adjustments are listed below:

  • Prioritised reading lists are not regarded as appropriate or necessary for School of Mathematics courses except for the small number that have "reading lists".
  • Providing keywords and formulae is not regarded as appropriate or necessary for School of Mathematics courses because lectures are typically dense with such things.
  • We consider the course syllabus to be the "outline", so we do not insist that course outlines and reading lists are available 4 weeks before the course starts.
  • Providing any hand-outs or printed notes in advance is generally good practice, however, we do not require full lecture notes to always be provided in advance. Students should have a reasonable idea of the area to be covered, as might be provided by a schedule of lecture content, a list of pages from a textbook or skeleton notes.
  • Students are sometimes allowed to audio record lectures, tutorials and supervision sessions using their own equipment for their own personal learning. However, in the context of workshops and similar activities only, the School reserves the right to refuse permission for this where it may compromise the effectiveness of the session. (For example, it may be that recording reduces the willingness of other students to contribute.)