Combined degree liaison

General information about the role of Combined Degree Liaison Officer.

Combined Degree Liaison Officer

Current CDLO

Pieter Blue

Roles and responsibilities of the CDLO

  • Represent the interests of students on combined degrees at meetings of the Teaching Programmes Committee (TPC) and the Board of Studies (BoS).
  • Monitor changes in external Schools (working with Combined Degree Representatives) and report to TPC and BoS as appropriate.
  • Ensure external Schools are kept informed of changes in Mathematics courses.

Combined Degree Representatives

List of representatives

Mathematics and BiologyTibor Antal
Mathematics with ManagementPieter Blue
Computer Science and MathematicsHeather Yorston
Mathematics and BusinessPieter Blue
Artificial Intelligence and MathematicsHeather Yorston
Mathematics and MusicPieter Blue
Philosophy and MathematicsPieter Blue
Economics and MathematicsGordon Ross
Economics and StatisticsGordon Ross
Mathematical PhysicsJoan Simon

Role and responsibilities of CDRs

This role involves taking an active interest in the issues affecting the relevant Combined Degree Programme(s), and ensuring that both Schools are made aware of School-specific changes to courses or to Programme structure.

  • Maintain contact with a relevant person in the external School, communicating at least once per semester about the Combined Degree Programme(s) and associated courses.
  • Attend the external School's Board of Studies meetings (2-3 per annum), particularly when matters affecting the Combined Degree Programme(s) are on the agenda.
  • Report to the Combined Degree Officer about any changes which will impact on the Programme(s), for discussion at TPC/BoS as necessary.
  • Inform the external School about any changes to Mathematics courses, or decisions taken by the Mathematics Board of Studies, which will impact on the Combined Degree Programme(s).