
Detailed guide for all staff members in the School of Mathematics of their role and responsibilities about examinations. It is also a reference point for the School’s exam processes and timelines.

Examination Diets

There are three exam “diets” which take place throughout the year.

December diet

Students sit two weeks of exams in December. Examination boards sit in January.

April/May diet

 Students sit four weeks of exams starting in late April/early May. Examination boards for these exams sit in early June.

August diet

Some students may need to resit their course exam if they failed, or were unable to attend, the original exam. These resits happen across two weeks in August, with the relevant exam boards sitting in September.

Key Documents

There are a number of overview documents which would be useful to School of Mathematics staff.

Contact person 

Academic contact for the examination

Examination dates

The exam timetable is set by the University Registry, not by the School. You can find publication dates (and later exam timetables) for the current year under the following link:

The University of Edinburgh  - Exam diets and timetables

Marking deadlines

The deadline is normally five working days after the exam has taken place, to be discussed with the MTO. 

Exam board dates

Exam board dates will be available to view online via SharePoint. Please contact MTO if you need help accessing this.

Course Organisers

Please view our Course Organiser infomation page

Course Organiser exam process document

Setting and Checking

Please view our setting and checking exam guidance document

If you are a postgraduate tutor who would like to assist with marking Pre-Honours exams, please see our Postgraduate Tutors: Exam Marking guide

Exam Editing

Please view our exam editing guidance document