Education reading list

Helpful resources about education and proof.

A small core selection on higher education 

  1. Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2011). Teaching for quality learning at university. 4th Edn. Maidenhead: SRHE and OUP. [Available electronically through the University libraries] (Particularly Chapters 1-6 which discusses "effective L&T for today's universities". )  

  2. Ambrose, Susan A. et al (2010).  How learning works, Jossey-Bass 

A small core selection on mathematics education 

Alcock, L. and Simpson, A. (2009) Ideas from mathematics education: an introduction for mathematicians,  HEA  

Nardi, E. and Iannone, P. (2006) How to prove it: A brief guide for teaching proof to year 1 mathematics undergraduates, HEA 

Mason, J. (2002). Mathematics teaching practice: A guide for university and college lecturers. Chichester: Horwood Publishing. 

On proof

Raman, M. (2003) Key ideas: what are they and how can they help us understand how people view proof? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 27, 249-266.  Online at