
Introductory guides and role responsibilities.

Role of a Course Organiser

While the Learning Outcomes and general syllabus of a course are defined by the Board of Studies, the Course Organiser is responsible for ensuring those descriptions are manifested in an appropriately challenging, rewarding, well-organised course that is operated in line with School, College, and University policy.   

The CO should be actively enhancing the course by making improvements in procedure or recommending changes to appropriate colleagues or committees and is responsible also for QA reporting on the course and for ensuring documentation is up to date. The Course Organiser thus has an important role in ensuring and enhancing the quality of our provision. 

There is always a "course team" involved in delivery and teaching and the CO leads this, ensuring everyone is well-informed about what they are doing and ensuring a consistent, excellent experience for the class.   The CO is often the only lecturer on the course and may be the only tutor too in which case the CO and Course Secretary will be the entire team.   Some aspects of the role description will therefore not be relevant in these cases. 

Course Organiser guides 

The MTO have put together introductory documents to assist staff.

Course Organiser guide: Before the semester begins

Course Organiser guide: During the semester

Course Organiser guide: Exams and the end of the semester