Learning technology

Learning technologies including Media Hopper Replay, Top Hat and Piazza.

Recording lectures

The University's lecture recording  system is called Media Hopper Replay and it is available in many teaching venues. Students find this useful in instances where they may not be able to attend a lecture due to illness or another unavoidable reason.

Recording lectures(Full details about lecture recording)

Taking attendance

Top Hat provides a mechanism for attendance to be taken that is quick and efficient.  Attendance for a course should be taken either in each workshop or weekly in a lecture. 

Taking attendance (Full details about using Top Hat for attendance monitoring)

Class discussion forum

Piazza is a well-designed, usable system that enables students to ask questions (optionally anonymously) about a course. Students collaborate on an answer to the question. Lecturers can also give an answer and endorse the student answer.

Piazza use (Guidelines on using Piazza)

Learn Ultra

As part of the ongoing investment in our virtual learning environment the University is upgrading Learn to the latest version, Learn Ultra.

Further information can be found here.