Semester 1 meeting checklist

Semester 1 meeting checklist and resources for Personal Tutors.

Checklist for September PT meetings

Before meeting

  • Organise an individual  meeting with each student. Meetings with continuing students can take place in Weeks 0 or 1. 
  • Ask student to choose courses in Path and send you the list. 

At meeting

  • Click on “Attendance Confirmed” button on the EUCLID “Programme” page.

  • Click on “Record a recent meeting” button on the EUCLID “Meetings & Notes” pages.
  • Discuss past performance and engagement.
  • Check conformity to DPT by checking the list in Path. Any deviation from the DPT is flagged in red and requires a concession. Path checks the following: correct number of credits and level; correct compulsory courses; prerequisites; 120 credits in total for each academic year; credits balance 60/60 for each semester. 
  • Check for timetable clashes by looking at the timetable generated by Path.
  • Tell student (a) enrolment into new courses only allowed within the first two weeks of a semester (b) deletion of courses only possible within the first 5 weeks.
  • Check if Tier 4 student and whether special concessions or processes are required. Examples are tier 4 students are only allowed three examination attempts and need College permission to change degree.
  • Record meaningful summary of meeting on EUCLID Notes.

Potential issues: contact details

Late arrivals Alice Heatley
Special circumstances

Student Support Team at

Kathleen Lloyd, Kat Kiernan and Grace Wilson

Visa issues

Ask student to email International Student Advisory Service

School of Mathematics contact:

Jill Nisbet


Change of degree programme (particularly important for students with Tier 4 visas)

Year 3-5 students wishing to take more than 120 credits in a year



Resources for Personal Tutors

This page contains links to resources that may be useful when talking to your students. It does not cover University and College regulations etcetera which are dealt with elsewhere.

The Institute for Academic Development (IAD) includes links to study support

IAD Academic & Pastoral Support Information for Personal Tutors

Student systems