Personal tutor information for staff including PT events and expectations of PTs Individual PT-tutee meetings Personal Tutors are required to have an individual meeting with all of their tutees at the beginning of Semester 1 of each academic year. In addition, tutees in pre-honours years (1-2) are required to have an additional meeting at the beginning of Semester 2. The Personal Tutor form provides a useful template for you to use at your individual meetings in both semesters. For Semester 1 meetings, there is a checklist of administrative items to cover. If at any time a Personal Tutors feels that there is a conflict of interest, which might prevent them acting solely on behalf of the student, they should discuss the issues with a Senior Personal Tutor. Personal Tutor individual meeting form - PDF Personal Tutor individual meeting form - word Personal Tutoring events Personal Tutoring duties start in Welcome Week (known as 'Week 0'). School PT Update Meeting: Friday of Week -1 (details in separate email). Expectations of Personal Tutors and students Expectations of Personal Tutors Expectations of Students To welcome new tutees, and follow the progress of all of their students. To check their University email account regularly for communications from their Personal Tutor, and to respond promptly to requests for information To give students study advice if they are finding things difficult. To ensure their details are up-to-date on MyEd. This includes updating contact details and notifying the Personal Tutor of any discrepancies in course details. To give advice and support when personal or health problems are affecting the studies. To meet with their Personal Tutor when asked to do so. To refer to students where appropriate to more specialist sources of information and guidance. To inform their Personal Tutor in good time of any problems affecting their studies, and so enable effective support to be offered. To provide a reference for a future employer or programme of study. To provide the Personal Tutor with background information they need, for example, to advise on special circumstance or to write a reference. To respond promptly (normally within three working days) to a request for contact; where this is not feasible, the Personal Tutor should alert the relevant person in the School. To listen to the advice given. Should the case arise, to advise and support the student, for example in special circumstances, disciplinary or appeal matters. To make themselves aware of regulations and procedures relevant to their studies, and to seek advice where they are unsure of what is required. Visiting Students Document Role of Visiting Student Personal Tutor 2020 (94.79 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2025-02-26