Extensions and Special Circumstances

Procedures and contacts for special circumstances.

Applications for extensions and special circumstances, and notifications to use learning adjustments are processed by a dedicated Extensions and Special Circumstances (ESC) Team.

  • Extensions - Where there are circumstances affecting a student's ability to complete their assessment on time, and for assessments where extensions are allowed, the ESC team will consider an extension for coursework submission for up to a maximum of seven calendar days.
  • Special Circumstances - A special circumstance is an exceptional situation outside of a student's control which has had an adverse impact on their studies. This circumstance has resulted in underperformance in an assessment or non-attendance/non-submission for a scheduled assessment.

Application Process

Personal Tutors and the Student Support Team are the student's first point of contact and, where possible, student's should be encouraged to discuss their special circumstances application with these members of staff in the first instance. They will be able to advise student's on their individual situation, help them access additional support if necessary and guide them through the process of submitting their application for an extension or special circumstances if needed.


Extension requests

Students can apply for an extension from 2 weeks before an assignment deadline.

Please note: applications submitted after the assignment deadlines will not be considered.

The ESC team aim to respond to the student's application within 2 working days.

Special Circumstances

It is advised that students should submit their application as soon as they become aware of circumstances affecting their studies. Students can submit a Special Circumstances application up to 1 week after their last assignment in any given semester. 

The ESC team aim to respond to a student's initial application within 2 working days, to let them know if they are eligible to apply and whether their application is considered 'valid'. The ESC team aim to respond within 5 working days after a student application is complete (this includes selecting affected assignments, providing evidence, etc.) to let them know if their application has been accepted. If their application is accepted, it will be considered at the relevant Board of Examiners, and the student will be notified of the outcome afterwards via MyEd.


Useful Recources