Tutor Cafe

Tutor Cafe

The Tutor Cafe will run approximately once per month throughout the year, alternating days in order to give more tutors the opportunity to attend. The cafe is intended to be an informal meeting for discussion about tutoring related topics and problems.


Previous Tutor Cafe topics have included - Student Support; Marking and Feedback; Courses, from a Course Organiser perspective and Resonable working practice - if you have any suggetions for future topics please email Tutorsupport@maths.ed.ac.uk.


For 23/24 academic year the tutor cafe will be in person only - limited to room capacity (first come, first serve basis), you will be able to claim the hour for the cafe on your monthly timesheets. 


Tutor Cafe Meetings

Date & Time Room Cafe Theme
8th September - 12 - 1pm JCMB 5323

Reasonable working practice

Lead - Robbie Bickerton

- Preparing for a workshop

- Workshop etiquette

- Best Marking Practice

Tutor Cafe Booking Form - https://forms.office.com/e/iHu7cHfbbm (Deadline 1st September)

week commencing 2nd October TBC TBC

Student Support

A chance to meet with members of Student Support within the School of Mathematics, who will give an overview of what we do to support UG and PGT taught students within the school and wider university services available to them.

- How do we identify students who need support?

- What should tutors do if they believe a student needs support?

- How can tutors support students?

- How should tutors engage with students who are not showing to workshops?

Tutor Cafe Booking Form - TBC

Monday 30th October 12 - 1pm JCMB 5323

Continuous Assessment, Marking and Feedback

Lead - George Kinnear

- Writing useful feedback for assignments

- Interacting with students with their feedback

- Feedback during workshops

Tutor Cafe Booking Form - https://forms.office.com/e/d5ys6awLe7 (Deadline 23rd October 2023)

Tuesday 28th November 12 - 1pm


Courses, from a Course Organiser perspective

Lead - Stuart King

A discussion of how running a course looks from a course organiser's perspective, ways in which you as a tutor on a course interact with the course organiser, and some thoughts on how you can help contribute to the course running well.

Tutor Cafe Booking Form - https://forms.office.com/e/76RqnN64Pf (Deadline 20th November)

Tuesday 12th December 12.30 - 1.30pm


Marking and Feedback

Lead - David Quinn

- What happens at an exam markfest and why do we have them?

- Marking consistently

- Effective marking and feedback

Tutor Cafe Booking Form - https://forms.office.com/e/2rFmertbW6  (Deadline 4th December)

Week Commencing 8th January TBC


Reasonable working practice

Lead - TBC

- Preparing for a workshop

- Workshop etiquette

- Best Marking Practice

Week Commencing 5th February TBC


Student Support

Another chance to meet with members of Student Support within the School of Mathematics, who will give an overview of what we do to support UG and PGT taught students within the school and wider university services available to them.

- How do we identify students who need support?

- What should tutors do if they believe a student needs support?

- How can tutors support students?

- How should tutors engage with students who are not showing to workshops?

Week Commencing 4th March TBC TBC

Continuous Assessment, Marking and Feedback

Lead - TBC

- Writing useful feedback for assignments

- Interacting with students with their feedback

- Feedback during workshops

Week Commencing 15th April

12.00 - 1.00pm

Week Commencing 29th April TBC TBC TBC