Resources for tutor development The Institute for Academic Development (IAD) offer workshops for Tutor and Demonstrators. These range from "orientation" covering topics such as marking, feedback and engaging with students, and "enhanced development" workshop covering topics such as giving lectures and supervising projects. Information, and links to further resources can be found within the site below and the links therein. Within the School of Mathematics the Tutor Cafe is an oppertunity to discuss a topic related to tutoring with collegues within the School. Infromation is under the link on the left. The School also invites tutors to complete the EdTA, and participants will have a mentor from the School who can discuss ideas and offer support in a 1-1 setting as participants prepare their application for recognition as Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). For matters relating to tutoring a specific course then the Course Organiser is the first point of contact for support. This article was published on 2025-02-26